

FDA issues warning about use of magnesium sulfate for halting preterm labor
来源:MDC 2013-06-04 10:17点击次数:12901发表评论

圣路易斯(MD Consult)——2013年5月30日,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)发布了一则警告,反对硫酸镁注射剂用于阻止孕妇早产的用药时间>5~7天,以免导致胎儿风险。胎儿可能出现低钙水平、骨质减少以及骨折,可导致损害的最短治疗时间尚不清楚。


FDA已通过其不良事件报告系统确认了18例有关宫内硫酸镁暴露新生儿骨骼异常的报告。此外,文献也记述了硫酸镁被用于孕妇安胎的病例情况。平均宫内硫酸镁暴露时间为9.6周(范围为8~12周),估计孕妇平均总给药剂量为3,700 g。已发表的病例报告认为新生儿骨骼异常与骨质减少有关,部分新生儿肋骨和长骨发生多处骨折。在报告结局的病例中,骨质减少和骨折为一过性并得到缓解。





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ST LOUIS (MD Consult) - On May 30, 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning against the use of magnesium sulfate injection for more than 5 to 7 days to stop preterm labor in pregnant women because it may pose a risk to the fetus. Low calcium levels, osteopenia, and fractures could occur in the fetus. The shortest duration of treatment that can result in harm is unknown.

Magnesium sulfate is approved to prevent seizures in patients with preeclampsia, and for the control of seizures in patients with eclampsia. Use of the product to stop preterm labor is considered off-label.

The FDA has identified 18 case reports through its Adverse Event Reporting System that describe skeletal abnormalities in neonates exposed in utero to magnesium sulfate. In addition, the literature describes cases of magnesium sulfate being administered to mothers for tocolysis in pregnancy. The average duration of in-utero exposure to magnesium sulfate was 9.6 weeks (range 8-12 weeks), and the estimated average total maternal dose administered was 3,700 grams. The published case series describes neonates experiencing skeletal abnormalities related to osteopenia; some experienced multiple fractures involving the ribs and long bones. The osteopenia and fractures were transient and resolved in cases in which the outcome was reported.

On the basis of the literature cases, it is plausible that bone abnormalities in neonates were associated with prolonged in-utero exposure to magnesium sulfate. Osteopenia and fractures may result from hypermagnesemia, which in turn causes hypocalcemia in the developing fetus.

The FDA also reviewed published epidemiologic studies. One study found a statistically significant increase in bone abnormalities in neonates with in-utero exposure to magnesium sulfate for more than 7 days, compared with those exposed for less than 3 days. Another study found a significant difference at birth in the serum values of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and osteocalcin between neonates unexposed to magnesium sulfate and those exposed in utero to magnesium sulfate for more than 1 week; no difference in radius bone mineral content in the 2 groups was reported. In these studies, the neonatal bone abnormalities described in association with in-utero magnesium sulfate exposure beyond 5 to 7 days included radiographic findings of radiolucent transverse metaphyseal bands of long bones such as the humerus.

Most of the epidemiologic studies that were reviewed were based on retrospective reviews of charts in individual hospitals. The epidemiologic data indicate that the effects on laboratory values resolved within days of birth. However, because of short follow-up periods, the long-term bone effects could not be studied.

A new warning about this risk has been added to the product label. Furthermore, a new Labor and Delivery section in the label emphasizes that continuous administration of magnesium sulfate injection to treat preterm labor is not approved and that the safety and efficacy of use for this indication are not established.

学科代码:妇产科学 药学   关键词:硫酸镁阻止早产
来源: MDC
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