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1批膳食补充剂Digestive 3 in 1 Health因可疑沙门氏菌污染而被召回

Fear of Salmonella contamination prompts recall of some lots of dietary supplement Digestive 3 in 1 Health
来源:MDC 2012-06-11 11:49点击次数:8发表评论

圣路易斯(MD Consult)——2012年6月7日,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)宣布,Botanical Laboratories正在召回38瓶规格为33.8盎司(批号34552C)和275瓶规格为16盎司(批号34441C)的Digestive 3 in 1 Health(消化健康3合1)。这是一种膳食补充剂产品。本次召回的发起原因为,其中一种原料的供应商称该原料可能被沙门氏菌污染。


迄今尚未接到相关的发病报告。Botanical Laboratories从供应商Corn Products International那里得知,一种名为Purimune(低聚半乳糖)的原料被检测出沙门氏菌阳性。不过Botanical Laboratories对收到的原料进行检测却得出了沙门氏菌阴性结果。截至目前,尚无消化健康3合1产品被检测出沙门氏菌。


爱思唯尔  版权所有

ST LOUIS (MD Consult) - On June 7, 2012, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that Botanical Laboratories is recalling 38 bottles of the 33.8 oz size (lot# 34552C) and 275 bottles of the 16 oz size (lot# 34441C) of a product known as Digestive 3 in 1 Health. The product is a sold as a dietary supplement. The recall is occurring because a supplier of one of the ingredients has indicated the ingredient has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.

In young children, frail or elderly persons, and others with compromised immune systems, Salmonella infections can be serious or even fatal. Healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

No illnesses have been reported to date. Botanical Laboratories was told by their suppplier Corn Products International that a raw material known as Purimune (galacto oligosaccharide), which was one of the ingredients used to make Digestive 3 in 1 Health, had tested positive for Salmonella. Raw materials received and tested by Botanical Laboratories have tested negative for Salmonella. To date, no lots of Digestive 3 in 1 Health have tested positive for Salmonella.

Both the 33.8 oz and 16 oz sizes of Digestive 3 in 1 Health were distributed nationwide after May 1, 2012, through retail stores and online retailers.

学科代码:补充和替代医学 药学   关键词:膳食补充剂 沙门氏菌污染
来源: MDC
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