

Noninvasive prenatal testing could be secondary screen
来源:EGMN 2013-08-29 09:28点击次数:3060发表评论

旧金山——加州大学旧金山分校妇产科教授Mary E. Norton博士在该校主办的产前与产时处置会议上报告称,应用无创产前DNA检测作为传统产前检查后的复筛方法,可使羊膜穿刺次数减少90%以上,减少妊娠丢失,并可改善每次羊膜穿刺的唐氏综合征检出率。

此外,无创产前检测作为复筛方法可略微增加13、 18或21三体检出率,但许多女性检测结果并不成功,仍需羊膜穿刺,会对妊娠丢失率和每次羊膜穿刺唐氏综合征检出率造成不利影响。基于上述和其他原因,Norton博士认为目前放弃现行产前检测方法而采用无创产前检测还为时尚早。

Mary Norton博士

研究者利用可用数据对3种假设性情景进行了比较分析,共计涉及290万例待筛查孕妇和5,110例13、18或21三体受累孕妇。这些孕妇将分别接受单纯传统产前筛查、传统筛查+无创产前复查以及无创产前筛查。这种无创性特定片段数字分析(DANSR)通过对母体游离DNA 特殊片段分析可确定染色体异常。







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By: SHERRY BOSCHERT, Ob.Gyn. News Digital Network

SAN FRANCISCO – Using noninvasive prenatal DNA testing as a secondary screen after conventional prenatal testing could decrease the number of amniocenteses by more than 90%, reduce fetal losses, and improve the ratio of Down syndrome cases detected per amniocentesis, according to Dr. Mary E. Norton.

On the other hand, using noninvasive prenatal testing as the primary screen would increase the rate of detecting trisomy 13, 18, or 21 by a bit, but many women will have unsuccessful test results and will go on to have amniocentesis, negatively affecting the fetal loss rate and the ratio of Down syndrome detected per amniocentesis, she said.

For these and other reasons, it’s premature to abandon current prenatal screening for noninvasive prenatal testing, she said at a meeting on antepartum and intrapartum management sponsored by the University of California, San Francisco.

She used available data to compare three hypothetical scenarios in which 2.9 million pregnant women would be screened and 5,110 pregnancies would be affected by trisomy 13, 18, or 21. The women would be screened by conventional prenatal testing alone, by current screening methods followed by noninvasive prenatal testing, or solely by the noninvasive Digital Analysis of Selected Regions (DANSR) assay that can identify chromosome abnormalities by evaluating specific fragments of maternal cell-free DNA.

Approximately 145,000 of the women would have a positive screen under current testing or with current testing plus noninvasive testing as a secondary screen, but only 45,710 would have a positive screen with noninvasive testing as the primary screen, she estimated. The number of trisomy 13, 18, or 21 cases identified would be 4,667 under scenario one or two and slightly higher – 5,100 – using the noninvasive screening test primarily, said Dr. Norton, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the university. Current screening can detect many more problems than can noninvasive screening, so 2,004 other abnormalities would be detected using current methods, compared with none using noninvasive testing.

A proportion of patients undergoing noninvasive prenatal screening would have no test result because the sequencing failed to work or not enough DNA was present to get a result – 4,350 women undergoing noninvasive testing as a secondary screen and 87,000 women with noninvasive testing as the primary screen, she estimated.

The total number of amniocenteses would be 145,000 under current testing (one for every positive screen), but would be reduced to 11,047 if noninvasive testing was used as a secondary screen to detect aneuploidies. With noninvasive testing as the primary screen, 67,460 women would undergo amniocentesis. That would result in 435 fetal losses with current testing alone, 33 with current testing and secondary noninvasive prenatal testing, or 202 fetal losses with noninvasive testing as the primary screen.

Eighteen amniocenteses would have to be performed to detect one case of Down syndrome with current prenatal testing alone. With noninvasive testing as a secondary screen, every two amniocenteses would detect a case of Down syndrome. With noninvasive testing as the primary screen, 13 amniocenteses would be needed to detect one case of Down syndrome, Dr. Norton said.

The relative benefits of each scenario remain controversial and may vary by each patient’s level of risk. Further study is needed before the standard of care in prenatal screening is changed.

"Prenatal screening is changing at a rapid pace," Dr. Norton said. Even experts are struggling with how best to incorporate all the new information and new tools. "It’s very exciting times, but confusing even for those of us who practice in the field," she commented.

Dr. Norton has received research funding from Ariosa Diagnostics and CellScape, which are involved in prenatal diagnosis products.

学科代码:妇产科学 医学遗传学   关键词:无创产前DNA检测 羊膜穿刺 唐氏综合征
来源: EGMN
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