

Azelaic acid 15% gel tames women’s acne
来源:爱思唯尔 2013-10-24 08:38点击次数:293发表评论

土耳其伊斯坦布尔——根据一项对研究者设盲的为期9个月的随机临床试验结果,15%壬二酸凝胶可作为对成年女性痤疮患者有效和耐受性良好的治疗选择。德国马格德堡市Otto von Guericke大学的Thielitz医生在欧洲皮肤与性病学会(EADV)年会上报告了这项研究的结果。






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By: BRUCE JANCIN, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

ISTANBUL, TURKEY – Azelaic acid 15% gel constitutes an effective and well-tolerated treatment option for women with adult acne, according to the findings of an investigator-blinded, 9-month, randomized clinical trial.

The results showed azelaic acid 15% gel was similar in effectiveness to adapalene 0.1% gel, a widely prescribed treatment for this common condition, Dr. Anja Thielitz reported at the annual congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

However, azelaic acid 15% gel had a clear advantage in terms of tolerability. Median scores for skin redness, dryness, and scaling were significantly lower in the azelaic acid–treated group, added Dr. Thielitz of Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany.

The single-center study involved 55 women aged 18-45 years, all with mild to moderate adult acne. They were randomized to one of three study arms: azelaic acid 15% gel twice daily for 9 months; adapalene 0.1% gel once daily, or 3 months of twice-daily azelaic acid 15% gel followed by 6 months of observation with no treatment.

Inflammatory and noninflammatory acne lesion counts, microcomedones, acne grading scale scores, and Dermatology Life Quality Index scores improved similarly in all three groups after 3 months. For example, median total lesion counts decreased from approximately 50 to 20, and median scores on the Leeds revised acne grading system dropped from 4 to roughly 2.5. Similar degrees of additional improvement were seen during months 4-9 in the two groups who remained on active treatment.

In contrast, some backsliding – although less than Dr. Thielitz had anticipated occurred during the untreated observation period among patients who halted the azelaic acid 15% gel after 3 months. By month 9, their total lesion count was 31% greater than the group that stayed on the topical therapy for the full 9 months.

Of note, azelaic acid 15% gel is technically an off-label therapy for adult female acne. The medication’s approved indication is in treating mild to moderate rosacea.

Dr. Thielitz reported having no financial conflicts in this investigator-initiated randomized trial.

学科代码:皮肤病学   关键词:欧洲皮肤与性病学会(EADV) 成年女性痤疮患者 壬二酸凝胶
来源: 爱思唯尔
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