

Denosumab Shows Favorable Results in FREEDOM Extension
来源:EGMN 2012-08-03 08:56点击次数:491发表评论


FREEDOM是一项为期3年的关键性Ⅲ期、双盲、安慰剂对照、随机研究。正是基于该研究结果,狄诺塞麦(Prolia)这一新型RANKL(受体激活核因子-κB配体)抑制剂被批准上市用于治疗绝经后骨质疏松(60 mg, 皮下给药,每6个月1次)。FREEDOM扩展研究为期7年,目前已进行3年,目的是评价狄诺塞麦的长期安全性和疗效。因此,原研究中的活性治疗组患者将接受总共10年的狄诺塞麦治疗,而安慰剂对照组患者在接受3年安慰剂治疗后将交叉接受7年的狄诺塞麦治疗。





在FREEDOM研究的3年双盲期内,狄诺塞麦组的非椎体骨折发生率显著低于安慰剂组(6.5% vs. 8.0%)。在第2个3年狄诺塞麦治疗期内,该发生率为3.8%。研究者表示,第2个3年内的非椎体骨折发生率低于第1个3年,表明狄诺塞麦长期治疗具有额外益处。“虚拟双胞胎”组第2个3年内的新发非椎体骨折的预测发生率为7.5%。



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By: BRUCE JANCIN, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

HOUSTON – Denosumab continued to achieve reduced fractures rates, progressively rising bone mineral density, and sustained reduction in bone turnover biomarkers through 6 years of continuous use in the ongoing 7-year extension of the landmark FREEDOM trial.

FREEDOM (Fracture Reduction Evaluation of Denosumab in Osteoporosis Every 6 Months) was the pivotal phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 3-year randomized trial that led to marketing approval of denosumab (Prolia) at 60 mg subcutaneously every 6 months for treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis (N. Engl. J. Med. 2009;361:756-65).

The FREEDOM extension study is evaluating the long-term safety and efficacy of denosumab for an additional 7 years. Thus, participants who were in the active treatment arm of the original study will receive denosumab for a total of 10 years, whereas patients who crossed over to denosumab after 3 years on placebo will be on the novel RANKL (receptor-activated nuclear factor–kappaB ligand) inhibitor for 7 years.

At the conference, Dr. Henry G. Bone presented updated study results through 6 years. In all, 4,550 postmenopausal women from the original randomized trial were enrolled in the extension and have been followed for an additional 3 years.

In the original FREEDOM trial, 3 years of denosumab resulted in a 10.1% increase in BMD in the lumbar spine, compared with baseline. With an additional 3 years of open-label therapy, this figure has increased to 15.1%. The gain in the crossover group paralleled that seen with active therapy in the original trial; that is, after 6 years – the last 3 on open-label denosumab – those patients had a 9.4% increase over baseline in lumbar spine BMD, reported Dr. Bone, chief of the endocrinology department at St. John Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit, and director of the Michigan Bone and Mineral Clinic.

Total hip BMD rose from a 5.7% increase over baseline after 3 years of denosumab to a 7.5% increase after 6 years. The crossover group had a 4.8% increase at this site after 3 years of active therapy.

During the first 3 years of the FREEDOM trial, new vertebral fractures occurred in 2.3% of the denosumab group, compared with 7.2% of placebo-treated controls. During the subsequent 3 years of open-label therapy, the original denosumab cohort had a 3.5% incidence of new vertebral fractures. Because it would have been unethical to have a placebo arm during those second 3 years, statistical modeling using a method known as "virtual twins" was used to project outcomes had the original control group remained on placebo. Their expected rate of new vertebral fractures during the first 3 years of the extension study was 6.3%.

The incidence of nonvertebral fractures during the 3-year, double-blind phase of FREEDOM was 8.0% in the placebo arm and significantly lower, at 6.5%, in the denosumab group. During the second 3-year period of denosumab therapy, the incidence was 3.8%.

"It’s interesting that the nonvertebral fracture rate in the second 3 years is actually quite a bit lower than in the first 3 years, suggesting there may be an additional benefit of long treatment," Dr. Bone said.

The projected rate of new nonvertebral fractures during years 4-6 in the "virtual twins" was 7.5%.

Turning to safety issues, the endocrinologist said that there were two adjudicated cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw during 6 years of denosumab therapy, and two more in the control group that occurred after crossover to active treatment. There has been one documented case of atypical femoral fracture during 6 consecutive years on denosumab. There has been one serious skin infection in the control group after they were crossed to 3 years of denosumab, and several more during years 4-6 in the long-term extension group.

The FREEDOM study extension is sponsored by Amgen. The presenter is a consultant to and on the speakers bureau for the company.

学科代码:内分泌学与糖尿病 妇产科学 骨科学   关键词:FREEDOM扩展研究 狄诺塞麦治疗绝经后骨质疏松
来源: EGMN
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