

Pain Scales: What to Ponder When Making Your Pick
来源:EGMN 2012-08-17 09:58点击次数:118发表评论

圣迭戈——梅奥医院神经介入外科的Jeffrey A. Stone博士在美国神经介入外科学会(SNIS)年会上称,在用于评估急性疼痛的众多量表中,最常用的3个是数字评估量表(NRS)、主诉评估量表(VRS)和视觉模拟量表(VAS)。

Jeffrey A. Stone博士

NRS通常采用0~10个数字对疼痛程度进行分级,0为无疼痛,1~3为轻度疼痛,4~6为中度疼痛,7~10为重度疼痛。但Stone博士说:“如果患者告诉你是5/10,则难以判定,尤其是对于老年患者。”VRS将疼痛程度从无疼痛至严重疼痛分为4级,相对更为简单,且与NRS的相关性良好。应用VAS要求患者在长度为100 mm的垂直直线上标记其疼痛程度。“我较多使用该量表,但有些麻烦,尤其是在随访的时候。”





Stone博士指出,NRS、VRS和 VAS可用于住院患者,而ODI和RMQ等结局评估方法涉及性生活和活动水平等许多功能问题,对住院患者或许不太适用。


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By: DOUG BRUNK, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

SAN DIEGO – Of the many scales at a clinician’s disposal to measure acute pain, the three most commonly used are the Numerical Rating Scale, the Verbal Rating Scale, and the Visual Analog Scale, Dr. Jeffrey A. Stone said at the annual meeting of the Society of Neurointerventional Surgery.

"All of these scales have been shown to be statistically reliable and valid," said Dr. Stone, associate professor of neurointerventional surgery in the radiology department at the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Fla. In his clinical experience, most patients prefer the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and the Verbal Rating Scale (VRS) because they are easy to use. "The other advantage is that these can be conducted by telephone or electronic diaries," he said.
The NRS is a familiar and commonly used 0-10 scale, where 0 = no pain, 1-3 = mild pain, 4-6 = moderate pain, and 7-10 = severe pain. "If patients tell you, ‘I’m a 5 out of 10,’ that can be difficult to gauge, particularly in the elderly," Dr. Stone said. "The VRS, a four-scale system ranging from no pain up to severe pain, is somewhat simpler and correlates well with the NRS."

With the Visual Analog Scale, patients are asked to make a vertical slash on a 100-mm line to denote their level of pain. "I use this scale a lot, but it can be cumbersome, particularly with follow-up," he said.

Factors to consider in the backdrop of pain intensity include rescue analgesics, which may be prescribed by other physicians for sleep or anxiety, or may be used to prevent pain from increased activity or to treat unrelated pain. "Another factor is concomitant pain treatments, such as acupuncture and chiropractic treatments," Dr. Stone said. "In addition, patients enrolled in the placebo group of a clinical trial are generally expected to have more pain medication use compared with those in an efficacious treatment group."

Other distinct components of pain include pain sensation and pain affect. Pain sensation "is the quality of the pain, such as burning, throbbing, or sharp pain versus dull pain," Dr. Stone said. "There are also temporal aspects to pain, such as variability of intensity over time; time to onset of meaningful pain relief; durability of pain relief; and the frequency, duration, and intensity of pain episodes. Pain affect is the mental distress caused by the pain."

Global pain assessments for pain sensation and pain affect include a modification of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ), known as the short-form MPQ, and the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), which was adapted from the Wisconsin Brief Pain Questionnaire. The short-form MPQ contains 15 sensory and affective descriptors, while the BPI "does a much better job measuring the temporal aspect of pain and is often used in conjunction with the short-form MPQ," Dr. Stone said.

Two other core pain outcome domains are physical function and emotional function. Effective outcome measures for these domains include the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), the Short Form-36 (SF-36), the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMQ) and the Pain Disability Index (PDI).

The ODI, a 10-item questionnaire, "has been used in many pain trials," he said. "It looks at pain intensity but also other things such as lifting, the ability to walk, social life, sexual activity, and sleep cycle. It is a very accurate way to look at a patient’s global disability from pain."

He described the SF-36 as "a little bit more cumbersome for patients to complete" in measuring physical and emotional function. This tool provides an eight-scale profile of functional health and well-being scores, as well as a psychometric-based physical and mental health summary.

The 24-item RMQ consists of yes/no questions intended to measure self-perceived disability, while the 7-question PDI measures pain interference in physical and psychosocial role performance.

In a later interview, Dr. Stone said that the NRS, VRS, and VAS instruments can be used in hospitalized patients. Outcome measures such as the ODI and the RMQ "would not be very useful, as they ask many functional questions such as sex life [and] activity level, which would not be applicable to a hospitalized patient."

Dr. Stone said that he had no relevant financial disclosures to make.

学科代码:神经病学 神经外科学 麻醉与疼痛治疗   关键词:神经介入外科学会(SNIS)2012年会 疼痛量表的选择
来源: EGMN
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