

FDA okays first migraine prevention device
来源:爱思唯尔 2014-03-17 10:24点击次数:975发表评论


FDA器械与放射卫生中心器械评估办公室主任Christy Foreman在声明中指出,Cefaly是在美国上市的首个此类装置,它在预防偏头痛方面为患者们提供了药物以外的选择。“这也许能帮助那些无法耐受当前用于预防或治疗偏头痛的药物的患者。”






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By: NASEEM S. MILLER, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

The Food and Drug Administration has authorized the marketing of Cefaly, a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation device that is designed for use before the onset of migraine headaches.

Cefaly would be first device of its kind in the United States, and it "provides an alternative to medication for migraine prevention," Christy Foreman, director of the Office of Device Evaluation at the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, said in a statement. "This may help patients who cannot tolerate current migraine medications for preventing migraines or treating attacks."

The device, which resembles a futuristic tiara for the forehead, is battery powered and will be available via prescription for patients aged 18 years or older. It generates an electric current that stimulates branches of the trigeminal nerve, which has been associated with migraine headaches, and it should only be used once per day for 20 minutes, according to the FDA.

The device was approved based on a randomized, controlled trial of 67 patients, and a satisfaction study of 2,300 users, a little more than half of whom said they were satisfied. There were no serious adverse events in either study.

The 67-patient study showed that the mean number of migraine days, monthly migraine attacks, monthly headache days, and monthly acute antimigraine drug intake were significantly reduced among the patients who received the device, but not among those who were using the placebo device.

Meanwhile, in the 2,300-patient satisfaction study, the most common patient complaint was dislike of the feeling that the device generated. Users also reported sleepiness during the treatment session, and headache afterward.

The Cefaly kit sells for about $350 on the company’s website.

学科代码:神经病学 麻醉与疼痛治疗   关键词:经皮电神经刺激装置 预防偏头痛
来源: 爱思唯尔
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