

Losartan shown effective in Marfan syndrome
来源:爱思唯尔 2013-09-24 08:22点击次数:374发表评论

阿姆斯特丹——欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)年会上发布的一项为期3年的随机临床试验显示,每日给予马凡综合征成年患者氯沙坦治疗可显著降低主动脉根部的扩张速度。该试验结果同时在线发表在《欧洲心脏杂志》上(Eur. Heart J. 2013 [doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht334])。

Maarten Groenick医生


COMPARE(科素亚用于减少马凡综合征患者的主动脉扩张)试验从荷兰的所有4家马凡中心纳入了218例患者。将患者随机分组,在β受体阻滞剂标准治疗基础上追加或不追加目标剂量为100 mg/d的口服氯沙坦治疗。氯沙坦组约有半数患者无法耐受受体阻滞剂基础上追加全量的氯沙坦治疗;这些患者维持氯沙坦治疗的剂量为50 mg/d。在入组时和前瞻性随访3年后,使用MRI测定主动脉根部直径。





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By: BRUCE JANCIN, Cardiology News Digital Network

AMSTERDAM – Daily losartan significantly slowed the aortic root dilatation rate in adults with Marfan syndrome in a 3-year randomized clinical trial.

"I think we can be positive about this treatment. We can now recommend losartan in clinical practice," Dr. Maarten Groenink said at the annual congress of the European Society of Cardiology.

There were no aortic dissections in the losartan group and two in the control arm. Elective aortic replacement surgery was performed in a similar number of patients in both groups.

Blood pressure was lower in the losartan group, yet blood pressure didn’t correlate with the aortic dilatation rate. Dr. Groenink speculated that losartan’s chief mechanism of benefit in Marfan syndrome is its ability to curb overexpression of transforming growth factor-beta, which weakens the structure of the media layer of the aortic wall.

Dr. Groenink said it’s unknown whether losartan’s benefits are specific to that drug or are a class effect obtainable with other angiotensin II receptor antagonists, though he suspects it’s a class effect.

Ongoing clinical trials are evaluating losartan in children and adolescents with Marfan syndrome, he said, adding that there is a solid rationale for beginning treatment as early in life as possible.

"I believe the adverse effects on the aortic wall in Marfan syndrome are caused by the fibrillin defect but also by wear and tear due to cyclic stress by the beating heart. So you can hypothesize that the earlier you start treatment, the better the results," he explained.

Marfan syndrome is a genetic connective tissue disorder affecting multiple organ systems. The prognosis is mainly determined by the aortic complications, including dilatation, aneurysm formation, and possible acute dissection. Affected individuals tend to be tall, long-limbed, and have distinctively long, thin fingers. The prevalence of Marfan syndrome has been estimated at 1 in 5,000, but Dr. Groenink suspects the syndrome may actually be more common than that.

Simultaneous with Dr. Groenink’s presentation at the ESC, the COMPARE results were published online (Eur. Heart J. 2013 [doi:10.1093/eurheartj/eht334]).

The COMPARE trial was funded by the Dutch Heart Association. Dr. Groenink reported having no relevant financial interests.

View on the News

COMPARE is a very important study whose results are going to mean a paradigm shift for the management of Marfan syndrome.

It is intriguing to consider that the benefits of losartan might possibly also extend to patients with thoracic aortic disease in general, a worthy topic for future investigation.

Dr. John Gordon Harold is with Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, Los Angeles, and president of the American College of Cardiology. He had no relevant financial disclosures.

学科代码:心血管病学   关键词:欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)年会 马凡综合征 氯沙坦 主动脉扩张
来源: 爱思唯尔
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