
Bowel preparation before colonoscopy in the era of mass screening for colo-rectal cancer: A practical approach
作者:F. Parente, B. Marino, C. Crosta 【全球专家评论】
期刊: DIGEST LIVER DIS2009年2月2期41卷

Colonoscopy constitutes the principal investigation for colo-rectal neoplasms due to its ability to detect and remove most of precancerous lesions; due to the ongoing or planned colon cancer screening programs in many European countries we should expect an enormous increase in colonoscopic demand over the next few years. Diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic safety of colonoscopy strictly depends upon the quality of bowel cleansing which is often perceived as the most unpleasant part of the procedure in individuals undergoing this examination. The ideal preparation for colonoscopy should reliably empty the colon from all faecal material allowing the optimal visualization of the entire colonic

学科代码:消化病学 肿瘤学 外科学   关键词:结直肠癌普查时代结肠镜检查前的肠道准备:一种实用的方法