
Procedural dermatology training during dermatology residency: A survey of third-year dermatology residents
作者:Lee Nehal Dusza 【View at publisher】 【全球专家评论】
期刊: J Am Acad Dermatol2011年3月3期64卷 专家评级:★★ 循证评级:B

BACKGROUND: Given the expanding role of multiple surgical procedures in dermatology, resident training in procedural dermatology must be continually assessed to keep pace with changes in the specialty.

OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess the third-year resident experience in procedural dermatology during residency training.

METHODS: This survey study was mailed to third-year dermatology residents at 107 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-approved dermatology residency programs in 2009.

RESULTS: A total of 240 residents responded (66%), representing 89% of programs surveyed. Residents assume the role of primary surgeon most commonly in excisional surgery (95%) and flap and graft reconstruction (49%) and least often in Mohs micrographic surgery (18%). In laser and cosmetic procedures, the resident role varies greatly. Residents believed they were most prepared in excisional surgery, botulinum toxin, and laser surgery. Residents believed it was sufficient to have only knowledge of less commonly performed procedures such as hair transplantation, tumescent liposuction, and ambulatory phlebectomy. Of responding residents, 55% were very satisfied with their procedural dermatology training during residency.

LIMITATIONS: Individual responses from residents may be biased. Neither residency program nor dermatologic surgery directors were surveyed.

CONCLUSION: This survey confirms dermatology residents received broad training in procedural dermatology in 2009, in keeping with ACGME/Residency Review Committee program guidelines. The results provide feedback to dermatology residency programs and are an invaluable tool for assessing, modifying, and strengthening the current procedural dermatology curriculum.

学科代码:皮肤病学   关键词:皮肤科操作培训
来源: ScienceDirect
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