
Cognitive and brain changes associated with ischaemic heart disease and heart failure
作者:Osvaldo P. Almeida, Griselda J. Garrido, Christoph
期刊: EUR HEART J2012年7月14期33卷


Aims It is unclear whether the cognitive dysfunctionassociated with heart failure (HF) is due to HF or comorbid conditions such as ischaemic heart disease (IHD). This study aimed to determine whether, compared with controls with and without IHD, adults with systolic HF show evidence of cognitive impairment and cerebral grey matter (GM) loss.

Methods and results Cross-sectional study of 35 participants with HF, 56 with IHD, and 64 controls without either HF or IHD. Subjects were older than 45 years and free of overt cognitive impairment. We acquired magnetic resonance images and used SPM8 to determine regional differences in cerebral GM volume. Participants with HF had lower scores tha

学科代码:心血管病学   关键词:Heart failure Ischemic heart d
来源: European Heart Journal