
Deleterious effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment on semen parameters in patients with lifelong premature ejaculation
作者:H Koyuncu
期刊: INT J IMPOT RES2012年9月5期24卷


Premature ejaculation (PE), the most common sexual dysfunctions in men, is characterized by loss or absence of ejaculatory control. PE can be classified as either a lifelong or acquired condition. Although the prevalence of lifelong PE is rather low in the general male population, recent studies demonstrated that the patients who seek treatment for their rapid ejaculation mostly report lifelong PE. Although no drug for PE has been approved by regulatory bodies, chronic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) proved to be effective in treating lifelong PE. Despite the rising use and known effects of antidepressants on ejaculation, only a few reports have evaluated the impact o

学科代码:其他   关键词:adverse effects; premature eja
来源: International Journal of Impotence Research