

Lipid Abnormalities Common in Granuloma Annulare
来源:EGMN 2012-09-07 13:53点击次数:301发表评论

波士顿——布朗大学皮肤病学系的George Kroumpouzos博士在美国皮肤病学会(AAD)夏季学术会议上报告称,在诊断环状肉芽肿(GA)时应高度警惕血脂异常,尤其是泛发型和环形GA患者。


为评估GA患者血脂异常的发病率,研究者考察了140例特发性GA成年患者和420 例在年龄、性别、种族、2型糖尿病、高血压以及甲状腺功能减退症等方面与之相匹配的对照者的病历,受试者为大学附属医院或当地医院2002~2010年收治的患者。为考察疾病特征与共病的相关性,根据病变范围(局限型、弥散型和泛发型)、形态学(环形和非环形)和组织病理学(浸润型、栅栏型、混合型和结节性)特点对GA患者进行分组分析。血脂异常定义为下列一种或多种脂类异常:高胆固醇血症(>200 mg/dl)、高甘油三酯血症(>150 mg/dl)、高LDL胆固醇(>130 mg/dl)或低HDL胆固醇(<40 mg/dl)。



该研究结果同时发表于《皮肤病学文献》(2012 Jun 18 [doi:10.1001/archdermatol.2012 .1381])。

在随刊述评中,斯科茨代尔梅奥医院皮肤病科资深顾问Mark V. Dahl博士指出,如此多的GA患者患有血脂异常“令人惊讶”。GA病因不明,迄今“仅有模糊线索提示可能与血脂异常有关。”但值得注意的是,泛发型GA患者“偶尔患有葡萄糖代谢异常、微血管病变以及组织细胞脂质小滴沉积”(Arch. Dermatol. 2012 June 18 [doi:10.1001/ archdermatol .2012.1503])。


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By: DIANA MAHONEY, Cardiology News Digital Network
BOSTON – A diagnosis of granuloma annulare "should trigger a high index of suspicion for dyslipidemia, especially among patients with generalized and annular disease," said Dr. George Kroumpouzos.

He and his colleagues found that adults with granuloma annulare are four times more likely to develop dyslipidemia than those without the inflammatory dermatosis.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon physicians treating granuloma annulare patients to communicate with primary care physicians regarding the need for simultaneous dyslipidemia management, said Dr. Kroumpouzos of the dermatology department at Brown University in Providence, R.I.

To estimate the prevalence of dyslipidemia in granuloma annulare patients, the investigators reviewed the medical records of 140 adult patients with idiopathic granuloma annulare and 420 controls matched for age, gender, race, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and hypothyroidism, according to data presented in a poster at the American Academy of Dermatology’s Summer Academy Meeting.

The individuals included in the analysis were seen at a university hospital or a regional health care center from 2002 to 2010. To examine associations between disease characteristics and comorbidities, the granuloma annulare patients were divided into subgroups based on disease extent (localized, disseminated, generalized), morphology (annular, nonannular), and histopathology (interstitial, palisaded, mixed, deep).

Dyslipidemia was defined as the presence of one or more of the following lipid abnormalities: hypercholesterolemia (value greater than 200 mg/dL), hypertriglyceridemia (greater than 150 mg/dL), elevated LDL cholesterol (greater than 130 mg/dL), or low HDL cholesterol (less than 40 mg/dL).

According to the analysis, the prevalence of dyslipidemia in granuloma annulare patients was 79.3%, compared with 51.9% among the matched controls. After adjusting for confounding variables, the odds ratio for dyslipidemia in granuloma annulare was 4.04.

The investigators found that the association with dyslipidemia, which is independent of cardiovascular comorbidities, was more prevalent among individuals with the generalized form of the skin condition than among those with localized or disseminated disease.

"The data also demonstrates a statistically significant association between the extent of disease and dyslipidemia," said Dr. Kroumpouzos in an interview. Dyslipidemia was more common in the generalized disease subgroup than in the localized or disseminated subgroups, he explained. Further, annular lesion morphology was associated with hypercholesterolemia and dyslipidemia, which was an unexpected finding.

Although the findings are limited by the lack of account for other potential confounders, including smoking history, exercise, alcohol use, and use of other medications, and additional studies are needed to confirm the results and validate granuloma annulare as a new marker for dyslipidemia – physicians should be aware of the association, Dr. Kroumpouzos said.

The study was also published in Archives of Dermatology (2012 Jun 18 [doi: 10.1001/archdermatol.2012.1381]).

The investigators disclosed no financial conflicts of interest.

In a commentary accompanying the online publication of the study, Dr. Mark V. Dahl wrote that the finding of dyslipidemia among so many granuloma annulare patients "comes as a surprise." The cause of granuloma annulare is unknown, and until now, "only vague hints suggested a possible association with a lipid abnormality," he wrote, noting, however, that patients with generalized granuloma annulare "occasionally have an abnormality of glucose metabolism, microangiopathy, and microdroplet lipid deposits inside histiocytes" (Arch. Dermatol. 2012 June 18 [doi: 10.1001/archdermatol.2012.1503]).

Dr. Dahl is a senior consultant for the department of dermatology at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Ariz. He disclosed no financial conflicts of interest.

学科代码:内分泌学与糖尿病 皮肤病学   关键词:环状肉芽肿、血脂异常
来源: EGMN
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