

Bullseye on Overuse: Fewer Interventions for Better Care
来源:EGMN 2012-11-20 11:21点击次数:753发表评论




在住院治疗中,医生可根据先进的培养技术、听取药师建议和进行现场实验室检查来帮助决定抗生素的使用。但过度使用问题仍然存在。医生的诊断应尽可能具体明确且应进行培养。如果某位患者入院症见不适、发热、低血压和脱水,则使用广谱抗生素进行初始治疗可能合适。但如果24~48 h后,培养未见细菌生长,则可能为病毒性感染,此时应停用抗生素。









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By: MARY ELLEN SCHNEIDER, Cardiology News Digital Network

The overuse of tests, treatments, and procedures is getting increased attention as a patient safety issue.

The Joint Commission, along with the American Medical Association–convened Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement, recently held a summit to look at how to cut back on the overuse of certain medical interventions being performed even though they are not medically necessary and could cause harm.

The summit was centered on five common treatments and procedures:

• Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).

• Blood transfusions.

• Tympanostomy tubes for brief periods of fluid behind the eardrum.

• Antibiotics to treat viral upper respiratory infections.

• Early induction of labor without medical need.

"We have come to believe in American medicine that everything we do is beneficial," said Dr. Donna E. Sweet, an internist and professor of medicine at the University of Kansas, Wichita, who headed up the work group looking at antibiotic overuse for upper respiratory tract viral infections. "There’s always a downside."

Antibiotic Overuse

In the case of viral upper respiratory infections, commonly prescribed antibiotics do nothing to improve patients’ health and risk worsening the population-wide problem of antibiotic resistance. In the outpatient setting, the stumbling block is often that when patients come into the office, they expect to leave with a prescription. For physicians, it’s easier to write an antibiotic prescription than to explain why they don’t need it, Dr. Sweet said.

"American patients aren’t very patient," she said. "They want to be better now."

In the hospital, physicians have more tools at their disposal for managing the use of antibiotics, from good culture techniques, to advice from pharmacists, to an on-site laboratory. But overuse still happens. Hospitalists should try to make a specific diagnosis when they can and do a culture, Dr. Sweet said. If a patient comes into the hospital sick, febrile, hypotensive, and dehydrated, it’s probably appropriate to start them on a broad-spectrum antibiotic. But if after 24-48 hours, there’s nothing growing in the culture, it’s probably a viral infection and the antibiotics should be cut off, she said.

"Restricting both the length and then the spectrum of the antibiotic are the two things that we know will make a difference in trying to combat some of this antibiotic resistance," she said.

The antibiotic overuse work group is looking at ways to align the various definitions of a viral upper respiratory infection and the existing guidelines, Dr. Sweet said.

Transfusion Driven by Lack of Info

When it comes to blood transfusion, another work group will be considering ways to increase the amount of time spent on this topic in medical school.

"We know that there is a lack of knowledge," said Dr. Aryeh Shander, chief of the department of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center in New Jersey, who headed up the transfusion work group.

Medical schools devote only about 2-6 hours to the subject of blood transfusion, and most of that time is spent on blood type compatibility, not only the clinical situations in which blood transfusion is appropriate, said Dr. Shander, who is also the president of the Society for the Advancement of Blood Management, a group that advocates for reducing the number of blood transfusions.

"This is one of the 10 most common invasive procedures done in hospitalized patients," Dr. Shander said. "I don’t think you would want a cardiac surgeon doing heart surgery on you with 6 hours of education."

While it is well known that blood transfusions run the risk of complications, there is also a growing body of literature showing that transfusions don’t improve outcomes in patients who are regularly transfused, such as nonhemorrhaging patients and those who don’t have a functioning bone marrow, Dr. Shander said.

学科代码:内科学 心血管病学 传染病学 血液病学   关键词:抗生素过度使用 输血问题 PCI过度使用
来源: EGMN
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