

Eczema of the eyelids? Think chemical allergy
来源:EGMN 2013-04-24 11:13点击次数:347发表评论

拉斯维加斯——新泽西州西奥兰治市的美容外科医生Janet M. Neigel在美国整容外科学会(AACS)2013年会上建议,如果患者表现为眼睑湿疹或眼睑肿胀,且对外用皮质类固醇激素治疗无应答,应考虑进行化学检测。


Janet Neigel医生





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By: DOUG BRUNK, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

LAS VEGAS – If a patient presents with eczema of the eyelids, or swollen eyelids that don’t respond to topical steroids, think about sending them for chemical testing, advised Dr. Janet M. Neigel.

"The eyelids are red and scaly, a little swollen, and it just never goes away," she said in an interview at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.

If a patient presents with eczema of the eyelids, or swollen eyelids that don\'t respond to topical steroids, think about sending them for chemical testing, advised Dr. Janet M. Neigel.
Dr. Neigel, a cosmetic surgeon in West Orange, N.J., said that over the past 5 years, she has seen increasing numbers of patients present with eczema localized to the eyelids or eyeball area that recurs like pesky crabgrass.

"I treat them with topical steroids," Dr. Neigel said. "It will get better, but it always comes back. Some of this is seasonal. It may only happen in the winter, when the air is drier and their skin tends to get drier. In others it can be all year long," she said. "It seems to be more common in women, but I see men with this condition, too. In men, it tends to present as a reddish eye and tearing," she noted.

In the majority of cases, the culprit turns out to be an allergy to chemicals including gold, nickel, tin, rubber, preservatives in shampoos and laundry detergent, and formaldehyde resin, which is used in nail polish. "There was one patient who was allergic to the preservative in eyedrops," Dr. Neigel recalled. "She was on several different eyedrops trying to treat the swollen eye area, and it was just making the condition worse."

Another patient’s eczema cleared only after she removed her wedding ring, Dr. Neigel said. "So she couldn’t wear any gold jewelry. In somebody else it was tin and nickel, so she couldn’t wear any cheap jewelry."

Ointments commonly used for cosmetic procedures also can cause trouble. "There is cross-reactivity between neomycin, tobramycin, and Neosporin," Dr. Neigel said. "One patient was applying Neosporin every time she bumped herself on different parts of her body, and her eyelids were the only things flaring up."

Dr. Neigel speculated that the reaction in such cases is localized to the eyelid because "it’s the thinnest skin in the body. It’s the most sensitive, and for some reason, the patients I’m seeing only have reactions there," she noted. So, for patients with allergic conjunctivitis or tearing for a contact dermatitis–type presentation around the eyeball or the eyelids, send them for chemical testing, she advised. "There’s a good chance you might clear things up and figure out what they’re truly reacting to – get to the source instead of just treating the problem symptomatically," she said.

Dr. Neigel said she had no relevant financial disclosures.

学科代码:皮肤病学 眼科学   关键词:美国整容外科学会(AACS) 眼睑湿疹 化学物质过敏
来源: EGMN
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