

Initial triple-drug therapy best in new T2DM
来源:EGMN 2013-06-25 10:52点击次数:747发表评论


德克萨斯大学医学部的Muhammad A. Abdul-Ghani博士报告称,与常规治疗组患者相比,三联治疗组患者的糖化血红蛋白A1c(HbA1c)下降幅度更大、持续时间更长,并且低血糖风险更低。此外,三联治疗组患者的体重有所减轻,而常规治疗组患者则出现了体重增加。

Muhammad A. Abdul-Ghani博士


这项开放标记研究纳入了155例近期被诊断为2型糖尿病的患者,其平均年龄为47岁,平均体重指数为30.5 kg/m2,平均基线HbA1c为8.6%。三联治疗组患者初始接受二甲双胍1,000 mg/d+吡格列酮15 mg/d+艾塞那肽5 mcg、2次/d治疗。1个月后这3种药物的剂量均加倍。如果治疗3个月仍未达到HbA1c<6.5%的治疗目标,可将吡格列酮剂量增至45 mg/d。常规治疗组患者初始接受二甲双胍治疗,之后按需序贯添加吡格列酮和基础胰岛素,以使HbA1c降至6.5%以下。



尽管三联治疗组的平均HbA1c比常规治疗组低0.5%,但在2年研究过程中,三联治疗组发生的低血糖却更少:15% vs. 46%。三联治疗组患者的体重平均降低了1.2 kg,而常规治疗组患者平均增重4.1 kg。








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By: BRUCE JANCIN, Clinical Endocrinology News Digital Network

CHICAGO – Starting patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes on the combination of metformin, pioglitazone, and exenatide from the get-go proved superior to standard guideline-recommended sequential add-on therapy with metformin, a sulfonylurea, and basal insulin in a 2-year randomized trial.

The triple-therapy group achieved significantly greater and more durable reductions in hemoglobin A1c with less risk of hypoglycemia than patients on the conventional treatment strategy. They also experienced weight loss rather than the weight gain seen with conventional management, Dr. Muhammad A. Abdul-Ghani reported at the annual scientific sessions of the American Diabetes Association.
The observed differences in therapeutic effectiveness and safety validate the strategy behind initial triple therapy, namely that it’s better to target the insulin resistance and progressive beta cell failure that constitute the core metabolic defects responsible for hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes instead of simply focusing on lowering plasma glucose, added Dr. Abdul-Ghani of the University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio.

"My take home message for you is when you treat people with type 2 diabetes, treat the disease – diabetes – not the symptom of hyperglycemia," he declared.

The open-label study comprised 155 patients who had been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Average age was 47 years, average body mass index was 30.5 kg/m2, and average baseline HbA1c was 8.6%. Those randomized to triple therapy started on metformin at 1,000 mg/day, pioglitazone at 15 mg/day, and exenatide at 5 mcg twice daily. After 1 month, the doses of all three drugs were doubled. If 3 months into the study a patient hadn’t achieved the goal of an HbA1c below 6.5%, pioglitazone was boosted to 45 mg/day.

The conventional treatment group started on metformin followed by sequential addition of glipizide and then basal insulin as needed in an effort to reach an HbA1c below 6.5%.

The primary outcome was the HbA1c difference between the two groups at 2 years. The mean HbA1c decreased from 8.6% at baseline to 6% in the triple-therapy group, significantly better than the 6.6% with conventional therapy. The median HbA1c was 5.8% with triple therapy compared to 6.4% with add-on therapy. In the triple therapy group, 60% had an HbA1c below 6% compared to 27% of controls. In the triple therapy, 92% met the ADA target of an HbA1c below 7% compared to 72% on conventional therapy.

Participants were seen in the clinic every 3 months. Treatment failure, defined as an HbA1c above 6.5% on two consecutive visits 3 months apart, occurred in 17% of the triple-therapy group and 42% on conventional therapy.

Even though the mean HbA1c was 0.5% lower in the triple-therapy group, their incidence of hypoglycemia over the course of 2 years was also significantly lower: 15% versus 46% in the conventional therapy group, the diabetologist continued.

Patients receiving triple therapy had a mean 1.2-kg weight loss over 24 months versus a 4.1-kg weight gain with conventional therapy.

In a multivariate regression analysis, triple-therapy was associated with an 84% reduction in the risk of treatment failure. The other protective factor was age: for each decade beyond age 40 years, a patient’s risk of treatment failure was reduced by 64%.

"We don’t know yet whether this is an issue of patient compliance with therapy or there is something in the pathophysiology of the disease that makes age protective against treatment failure," Dr. Abdul-Ghani said.

Metformin was selected for inclusion in the triple-drug regimen because it corrects insulin resistance in the liver, pioglitazone because it corrects insulin resistance in adipocytes and muscle along with preserving beta cell function, and exenatide because it enhances beta cell function, the physician explained.

Several audience members called the study controversial, noting that it was a single-center study with fewer than 200 patients, yet it aims to overturn current guideline-based clinical practice.

In an interview, Dr. Abdul-Ghani said he and his coinvestigators are trying to drum up support for a larger, multicenter follow-up study featuring microvascular complications as a primary endpoint.

"Every novel approach is controversial at first. But if the difference we’ve seen in A1c can be maintained for longer than 24 months it could result in a substantially reduced risk of microvascular complications. That would really be a game changer in terms of attitudes toward patient treatment," he observed.

He added that even in the absence of data showing a reduction in retinopathy and other microvascular complications, he would "absolutely" recommend that physicians start applying initial triple therapy in their patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes.

"Our data are so strong: there is no increased risk, and so many benefits," according to Dr. Abdul-Ghani.

Both metformin and pioglitazone are available as low-cost generics, and with so many new GLP-1 agonists in the developmental pipeline, the cost of an older, twice-daily agent such as exenatide might come down, he said.

The study was funded by the American Diabetes Association with support from Amylin Pharmaceuticals and Takeda. Dr. Abdul-Ghani reported having no conflicts of int 

学科代码:内分泌学与糖尿病   关键词:美国糖尿病学会(ADA)2013年会 新诊断2型糖尿病患者 初始三联治疗
来源: EGMN
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    • 2013-06-30 10:03  发表黄增婵

