

Polypill Improves Cardiovascular Health in UMPIRE
来源:EGMN 2012-12-03 09:49点击次数:500发表评论


英国伦敦帝国理工学院的心血管药物与药理学教授Simon Thom博士在美国心脏协会(AHA)2012科学年会上报告了上述结果。Thom博士称UMPIRE试验是一次极大的成功。


该试验在印度、都柏林、伦敦和荷兰乌得勒支招募了2,004例患者并将其随机分组:88%在基线时已确诊患有动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病;29%患有糖尿病。受试者被随机分配至接受多效药丸或者常规治疗,多效药丸由75 mg阿司匹林、50 mg辛伐他汀、10 mg赖诺普利和50 mg阿替洛尔或12.5 mg双氢氯噻嗪组成,选择阿替洛尔还是双氢氯噻嗪取决于医生的偏好;常规治疗则是分开处方这4种药物。多效药丸是免费提供的,而常规治疗则按照当地惯例进行支付。

在为期15个月的中位随访期后,多效药丸组的治疗依从率为86%,而常规治疗组仅为65%,相对差异达到了33%。多效药丸组的收缩压平均为129.2 mmHg,比常规治疗组低2.6 mmHg。多效药丸组的平均LDL胆固醇为84.3 mg/dl,常规治疗组为88.6 mg/dl。多效药丸组的舒张压平均为72.8 mmHg,常规治疗组为75.2 mmHg。



作为评论员,澳大利亚墨尔本莫纳什医院的预防医学教授/心血管研究中心主任Andrew M. Tonkin博士表示:“UMPIRE是一项很重要的试验,其结果不仅仅应该引起临床医生的广泛关注,而且对于决策制定也有一定的指导意义。”




世界卫生组织(WHO)和欧盟委员会都已公开表示支持使用多效药丸。WHO和英国维康信托基金会(Wellcome Trust)在2002年公布的一份报告中称,只要研究证明多效药丸能改善LDL和收缩压,在保证生物等效性的同时还能提高患者的依从性,就足以支持多效药丸获得监管机构的批准,如今UMPIRE试验已经证实了这一点。


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By: BRUCE JANCIN, Cardiology News Digital Network

LOS ANGELES – A once-daily, fixed-dose combination of four cardiovascular drugs – a polypill – boosted patient adherence by 33% while meaningfully reducing both systolic blood pressure and LDL cholesterol compared with usual care in the large international UMPIRE trial.

UMPIRE (Use of a Multidrug Pill in Reducing Cardiovascular Events) was designed to test the hypothesis that decreasing the cost and complexity of guideline-indicated medications for secondary cardiovascular prevention would improve treatment adherence and outcomes in patients with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or in those at high risk for it.

And UMPIRE was a resounding success, according to Dr. Simon Thom, professor of cardiovascular medicine and pharmacology at Imperial College, London. He presented the results at the annual scientific sessions of the American Heart Association.

The study comprised 2,004 randomized patients in India, Dublin, London, and Utrecht (the Netherlands): 88% had known atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease at baseline; 29% had diabetes. Participants were randomized to the polypill – composed of 75 mg aspirin, 50 mg simvastatin, 10 mg lisinopril, and either 50 mg atenolol or 12.5 mg hydrochlorothiazide, depending upon physician preference – or to usual care, which included individual prescriptions for the same four medications. The polypill was free, while usual care was paid for in the customary local manner.

After a median 15 months of follow-up, treatment adherence was 86% in the polypill arm, compared with 65% with usual care, a relative 33% difference. Systolic blood pressure averaged 129.2 mm Hg in the polypill group, 2.6 mm Hg lower than with usual care. Mean LDL cholesterol was 84.3 mg/dL in the polypill group and 88.6 mg/dL with usual care. Diastolic blood pressure was 72.8 mm Hg with the polypill, compared with 75.2 mm Hg in the usual care group.

All of these differences were statistically significant and clinically meaningful when extrapolated to the rapidly growing global burden of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, quality of life as self-measured on a visual analog scale was significantly better in patients on the fixed-dose combination, Dr. Thom reported.

There were, however, no significant differences between the two study arms in HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, or cardiovascular event rates.

Of note, 61% of UMPIRE subjects were already on all four individual study medications at baseline. That’s an unusually high proportion in the low- and middle-income countries where the polypill will see greatest future use, and it means the UMPIRE results almost certainly underestimate the true benefits to be expected with use of the polypill in clinical practice, he continued.

Side effects were the same in both treatment arms.

Discussant Dr. Andrew M. Tonkin declared UMPIRE to be "an important trial – and the results should be taken on board not only by clinicians, but should really inform government policies and strategies."

Although there is enthusiasm in some quarters for broad use of the polypill for primary prevention – a sort of let’s-put-it-in-the-drinking-water strategy – UMPIRE was the first polypill randomized trial conducted in patients with established cardiovascular disease, and one of very few to date to run longer than about 3 months.

"I believe that UMPIRE firmly establishes the case for using the polypill in those people with manifest atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease," said Dr. Tonkin.

It’s noteworthy that patients with poor baseline adherence to the study medications were 3.4-fold more likely to benefit from use of the polypill. That’s an important finding because the polypill is expected to see its greatest future use in India, China, the Philippines, and other parts of the world where vast numbers of patients with cardiovascular disease now receive little or nothing in the way of pharmacologic secondary prevention, said Dr. Tonkin, professor of preventive medicine and head of the cardiovascular research unit at Monash Hospital in Melbourne.

Moving forward, he added, the responsibility for developing the polypill cannot rest solely with the pharmaceutical industry.

"This is a very low-margin venture using low-cost generic formulations. Major pharma doesn’t want to get interested in this," said Dr. Tonkin.

Both the World Health Organization and the European Commission are publicly on board for the polypill, he noted.

The WHO and Wellcome Trust stated in a 2002 report that demonstration of bioequivalence and improved adherence as reflected in improvements in LDL and systolic blood pressure, as seen in UMPIRE, should be sufficient for regulatory approval of the polypill.

"That, I think, will not carry water in these days, unfortunately. But a meta-analysis of clinical end point data from the various trials is planned. And there are ongoing and planned future phase III trials," Dr. Tonkin said.

While most of the clinical trials, past and present, have taken place in low-income countries, the polypill is also under study in populations in the United States, Canada, Australia, and other relatively well-off nations, he pointed out.

UMPIRE was funded by the European Commission. Dr. Thom and Dr. Tonkin reported having no financial conflicts.

学科代码:内科学 心血管病学 内分泌学与糖尿病   关键词:美国心脏协会(AHA)年会 多效药丸减少心血管事件
来源: EGMN
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