
Estradiol decreases taurine level by reducing cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase via the estrogen receptor-a in female mice liver
作者:Ma, Q., Zhao, J., Cao, W., Liu, J., Cui, S.
机构: 中国农业大学生物科学学院 农业生物技术中心国家重点实验室
期刊: AM J PHYSIOL-GASTR L2015年3月4期308卷

Cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase (CSAD) and cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) are two rate-limiting enzymes in taurine de novo synthesis, and their expressions are associated with estrogen concentration. The present study was designed to determine the relationship between 17(3-estradiol (E2) and taurine in female mice liver. We initially observed the mice had lower levels of CSAD, CDO, and taurine during estrus than diestrus. We then, respectively, treated the ovariectomized mice, the cultured hepato-cytes, and Hep G2 cells with different doses of E2, and the CSAD and CDO expressions and taurine levels were analyzed. The results showed that E2 decreased taurine level in the serum and the cultured cells by inhibiting CSAD and CDO expressions. Furthermore, we identified the molecular receptor types through which E2 plays its role in regulating taurine synthesis, and our results showed that estrogen receptor-a (ERa) expression was much higher than estrogen recep-tor-(3 (ER(3) in the liver and hepatocytes, and the inhibiting effects of E2 on CSAD, CDO, and taurine level were partially abrogated in the ICI-182,780-pretreated liver and hepatocytes, and in ERa knockout mice. These results indicate that estradiol decreases taurine content by reducing taurine biosynthetic enzyme expression in mice liver.

通讯作者:State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology, College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China
学科代码:消化病学   关键词:雌性小鼠;肝脏;雌二醇;雌激素受体;半胱氨酸磺酸脱羧酶;牛磺 ,中国作者重要发表 爱思唯尔医学网, Elseviermed
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