
Immunologic Basis of Graft Rejection and Tolerance Following Transplantation of Liver or Other Solid Organs
作者:Alberto Sánchez–Fueyo, Terry B. Strom 【全球专家评论】
期刊: GASTROENTEROLOGY2011年2月1期140卷

Transplantation of organs between genetically different individuals of the same species causes a T cell–mediated immune response that, if left unchecked, results in rejection and graft destruction. The potency of the alloimmune response is determined by the antigenic disparity that usually exists between donors and recipients and by intragraft expression of proinflammatory cytokines in the early period after transplantation. Studies in animal models have identified many molecules that, when targeted, inhibit T-cell activation. In addition, some of these studies have shown that certain immunologic interventions induce transplantation tolerance, a state in which the allograft is specifically

学科代码:消化病学   关键词:肝脏或其他实质器官移植后的移植物排斥和耐受的免疫学基础