

Ravicti approved for the treatment of patients with urea cycle disorders
来源:MDC 2013-02-07 10:26点击次数:565发表评论

圣路易斯(MD Consult)——2013年2月1日,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)和Hyperion Therapeutics公司宣布,Ravicti (苯丁酸甘油酯)已获准用于部分2岁或以上尿素循环障碍(UCD)患者的长期治疗。Ravicti是一种氮结合剂。




FDA批准Ravicti是基于10项临床试验数据,其中包括6项纳入UCD患者的研究。一项支持Ravicti安全性和有效性的主要研究纳入了44例服用Buphenyl(另一获批用于UCD控制的药物)的成人患者。患者随机服用Buphenyl或Ravicti 2周后交叉转换用药,再治疗2周。血液检查显示,Ravicti在控制氨水平方面与Buphenyl效果相当。另外针对儿童和成人的3项研究证实了Ravicti用于≥2岁患者的长期安全性和有效性。


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ST LOUIS (MD Consult) - On February 1, 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Hyperion Therapeutics announced the approval of Ravicti (glycerol phenylbutyrate) for the chronic management of some urea cycle disorders (UCDs) in patients aged 2 years and older. Ravicti is a nitrogen-binding agent.

When protein is metabolized, it produces nitrogen as a waste product. The urea cycle removes nitrogen from the blood and converts it to urea, which is excreted in the urine. In persons with UCDs, nitrogen accumulates and remains in the body as ammonia.

According to Hyperion and the FDA, UCDs are a collection of inherited metabolic disorders in which affected patients experience high levels of systemic ammonia, a potent neurotoxin. Throughout their lives, patients with UCDs may experience recurrent hyperammonemic crises in which ammonia levels rise. Complications may include nausea, vomiting, headache, coma, and death.

Ravicti is a liquid and is taken 3 times a day with meals. It is intended for use in patients whose UCD cannot be managed by a protein-restricted diet or amino acid supplements alone. Ravicti must be used with a protein-restricted diet and, in some cases, dietary supplements.

The FDA approval of Ravicti was granted on the basis of data from 10 clinical trials, including 6 studies that included patients with UCD. The major study supporting Ravicti's safety and effectiveness involved 44 adults who had been receiving Buphenyl, another drug approved to control UCDs. Patients were randomly assigned to take Buphenyl or Ravicti for 2 weeks before being switched to the other product for an additional 2 weeks. Blood testing showed Ravicti was as effective as Buphenyl in controlling ammonia levels. Three additional studies in children and adults provided evidence supporting the long-term safety and effectiveness of Ravicti in patients aged 2 years and older.

The most common adverse effects in patients treated with Ravicti included diarrhea, flatulence, and headache.

Ravicti approved for the treatment of patients with urea cycle disorders

学科代码:内科学 内分泌学与糖尿病 儿科学 药学   关键词:苯丁酸甘油酯 尿素循环障碍
来源: MDC
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