

Eyeglasses May Offer Periocular AK Protection
来源:EGMN 2012-07-04 09:51点击次数:275发表评论


这项研究名为退伍军人事务部外用视黄酸化学预防试验(VATTCT)。布朗大学皮肤科的Kachiu C. Lee博士介绍,在每6个月1次、平均4年的前瞻性随访期间,1,131例老年受试者(其中多数为男性)中发生3,291例次眼周AK。不经常佩戴眼镜者的眼周AK发生率较经常佩戴眼镜者高出40%。这与眼科文献中报告的眼镜可减少滤过到眼周区域的紫外线辐射的理论是一致的。





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By: BRUCE JANCIN, Internal Medicine News Digital Network

RALEIGH, N.C. – Wearing glasses was associated with a significantly lower rate of developing actinic keratoses on periocular skin, according to the results of a large multicenter clinical trial.

During an average 4-year prospective follow-up conducted at 6-month intervals in the Veterans Affairs Topical Tretinoin Chemoprevention Trial, the 1,131 elderly participants, most of whom were male, developed 3,291 periocular actinic keratoses.
Patients who didn’t regularly wear eyeglasses had a 40% higher rate of developing AKs on periocular skin. This is consistent with reports in the ophthalmologic literature that eyeglasses can reduce the flux of UV radiation filtered to the periocular area, according to Dr. Kachiu C. Lee, a dermatology resident at Brown University in Providence, R.I.

Her hypothesis was that eyeglasses wearers would also have a lower rate of periocular nonmelanoma skin cancer. However, this wasn’t borne out, possibly because too few of the malignancies occurred to be able to demonstrate a protective effect, she noted. Although all suspected skin cancers were biopsied for histologic diagnosis, only 19 periocular squamous cell carcinomas and 71 periocular basal cell carcinomas occurred during follow-up.

A significant study limitation was that patients weren’t surveyed as to their use of sunglasses. "That’s a huge potential confounding variable," Dr. Lee said.

The study was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Dr. Lee reported having no financial conflicts.

学科代码:肿瘤学 老年病学 皮肤病学 眼科学   关键词:佩戴眼镜预防眼周皮肤光化性角化病
来源: EGMN
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