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Relative Risk of Cancer For Diabetics Compared to Non-Diabetics
2012-07-13 16:54点击:16次发表评论
期刊: J NATL CANCER I2012年7月13期104卷

Relative Risk of Cancer For Diabetics Compared to Non-Diabetics

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Over the last 30 years, epidemiological studies have shown that diabetics and obese people are more likely to get cancer than healthy individuals. Diabetes has been linked to a statistically significant increase in cancer of the liver, bladder, gallbladder, colon, endometrial, and pancreas. Additionally, those with diabetes and/or obesity are also more likely to die from their cancer. The data above reflect the relative risk of cancer diabetics for both men and women, compared to non-diabetics, from a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiolog

学科代码:内分泌学与糖尿病   关键词:none
来源: Journal of the National Cancer Institute
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