

Tomatoes Boosted Low HDL in Small Study
来源:EGMN 2012-08-30 16:52点击次数:112发表评论

休斯顿——墨西哥城国立医学与营养研究所的Daniel Cuevas Ramos博士报告了一项随机试验的结果:高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平偏低的患者在1个月内每天生吃2个中等大小的蕃茄,可使HDL-C平均增加5 mg/dl;而每天吃同等量(300 g)黄瓜的对照组患者,HDL-C水平无明显改变。

Ramos博士的这项研究招募了41名女性和11名男性受试者,均HDL-C水平偏低而甘油三酯水平正常。两组患者采用热量相等的饮食。在1个月的随访过程中,番茄组患者的HDL-C平均水平由基线时的36.5 mg/dl增至41.6 mg/dl,而黄瓜组(对照组)患者的HDL-C平均水平未随时间而改变。


2个中等大小的蕃茄含有约300 mg番茄红素,这种营养素被认为可增加HDL。Ramos博士指出,既往的横断面研究已提示,摄入番茄红素与HDL水平较高有关。

Cuevas Ramos博士报告称无相关利益冲突。

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By: BRUCE JANCIN, Cardiology News Digital Network

HOUSTON – Consuming two midsize uncooked tomatoes daily for a month resulted in a mean 5 mg/dL gain in HDL cholesterol level in a randomized trial in patients with low HDL.

A control group assigned to eat an equal quantity of cucumber – 300 g/day – saw no change in HDL, according to Dr. Daniel Cuevas Ramos of the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition in Mexico City.

He reported on 41 women and 11 men with low HDL but normal triglyceride levels who participated in the month-long randomized trial, during which they consumed an isocaloric diet.

Over the course of 1 month of follow-up, mean HDL levels in the tomato eaters climbed from 36.5 mg/dL at baseline to 41.6 mg/dL, while the cucumber-eating controls saw no significant change over time.

A linear regression analysis adjusted for age, sex, waist-to-hip ratio, physical activity, body mass index, and intake of alcohol, simple sugars, and omega-3 fatty acids showed that tomato consumption was independently associated with the increase in HDL.

Two medium tomatoes contain about 30 mg of lycopene, the nutrient thought responsible for the HDL boost. Prior cross-sectional studies had linked lycopene intake to higher HDL, he noted.

Dr. Cuevas Ramos reported having no financial conflicts.

学科代码:内分泌学与糖尿病 全科医学   关键词:生吃蕃茄可改善血脂
来源: EGMN
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